Tweeting Away

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.

So sang MGMT in my personal youth anthem, “Time to Pretend”. I play this song when I’m feeling young, crazy and rebellious. I know it’s really a rather depressing song, but I don’t read into the tragedy in its lyrics.

Almost a quarter has passed into the year I turn a quarter of a century old, and it's been going well so far, actually. Life is pretty good. Not much has changed, except there's a feeling amongst me and my friends (a lot of whom are also turning the big 2-5 this year) of always wanting to do more, of not being so reserved, of not easily saying "no". The weekends seem more precious, so much more precious we're willing to give up sleep to spend more time in them awake. Maybe in the back of our heads, we know we'll need to grow up pretty soon.

The future doesn't look so bad though, and I think I've seen it, in the lives of my older friends. Posh, kid-friendly condos; playing host and hostess to friends and having them over for dinner; long talks about children and businesses and real estate over pasta and wine, instead of pizza and beer; saying goodbye at a little past 11, driving fully sober and not in the least bit tipsy, and home before midnight. I think I could get used to that kind of life, too.

It will have to wait another year, though. Another year at least.

1 comment:

Henry said...

Now you're 35, what are your thoughts now?
I hope life treated you well and you still have that optimism.
That is a kick ass song, I loved it the first time I heard it and I was far from young then. Now I'm 10 years has been rough but I'm happy and optimistic.